Building a Vision Board in Gather is super easy.
To get started, select the "Vision" tab at the top of your project page.
You'll see that a default board has already been created for you. To change the name of this board, just click on "Default Vision Board" and start typing. You will also be able to add an many new boards as you like.
Now you're ready to start adding images!
Click on the green plus sign and select how you wish to add images.
You can also adding images from your "Items" board. Just open the item you wish to add, right click on the image and select "Copy Image Address".
Then go back to your vision board, click the green plus sign, select "URL Link" and paste the image link in space provided.
Now that the image is showing in the window, click "Upload" to add this image to your board.
TaDa! That is it...
To find out more about Vision Boards, check out the articles below: