How does the pricing calculator work?

In this article, you will learn how the pricing calculator in Gather works.

Scottie Elliott avatar
Written by Scottie Elliott
Updated over a week ago

Gather's calculator allows you the ability to calculate an item's sell price starting with an item's MSRP or trade price.

In the example below, the pricing type has been set as "Retail" which starts the calculation with MSRP. From there you can fill in your designer discount to calculate your designer price.

In the example below, the pricing type has been set as "Trade" which starts the calculation with your designer price.

Below "Designer Price" the remaining fields of the calculator are the same for both "Trade" and "Retail" items.

Remaining fields explained below.

  • Designer Price - your cost for a single item

  • Markup - service or procurement fee, which can be added as a % or whole #

  • Unit Price - your sell price for a single item

  • Ext. Price - your sell price for a qty > than 1

  • Ext. Designer Price - is your cost for a qty > 1

  • Total (in green) - total sell price to your client

Note: If you've set your discount and markup for your supplier/manufacturers in your Contact list, these will automatically populate in any new item you clip or add manually. To learn more check out this article.

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