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Export: Multi-page Spec. Package

Learn how to export a multi-page specification package.

Scottie Elliott avatar
Written by Scottie Elliott
Updated over a year ago

A spec. package is a multi-page document that includes a cover page and table of contents. To export, follow these steps...

Step 1: Select the items you want to include in the spec. package (See Selecting Items.). 

Step 2: From the "Actions" dropdown, select "Export Spec. Sheets (pdf)".

Step 3: Click on "Multi-page PDF." 

Step 4: Select what you would like to include in the package, and add an image if you'd like. When ready, click "Next."

Step 5:  Select what you would like to include on each Spec. Sheet. Then click "Export PDF."

Step 6: Click on the red link to view/download your spec package.


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